Dog Exercise and Dog Prohibited Areas

The following areas are classified as dog prohibited areas in the Shire of Gingin being:

  1. A public building (unless permitted by a sign);
  2. A theatre or outdoor cinema;
  3. All premises or vehicles classified as food premises or food vehicles under the Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations 1993; and
  4. A public swimming pool and the following beaches, reserves and freehold land as shown in Prohibited Dog Areas and Designated Dog Exercise Areas as linked. 

Gingin Dog Exercise & Prohibited Areas

Off Lead Dog Exercise Areas

Park land area at Recreation Grounds adjacent to Weld St 

Park land area on Strathalbyn Way

On Lead Dog Exercise Area

Granville Park & Gingin Outdoor Activity Space

Gingin Football Oval

Prohibited Dog Areas

Gingin District High School campus 

Note: Dogs must be on leads at all times unless in a designated Dog Exercise Area. Even on a lead, dogs are not allowed in Dog Prohibited Areas.

Guilderton Dog Exercise & Prohibited Areas

Guilderton Combined Dog Exercise and Prohibited Area Map

Note: Dogs must be on leads at all times unless in a designated Dog Exercise Area. Even on a lead, dogs are not allowed in Dog Prohibited Areas.

Lancelin Dog Exercise & Prohibited Areas

On-Lead and Off-Lead Dog Exercise Areas

There are a number of beach areas where dogs may be taken for on/off-lead exercise including: 

  • Beach Reserve north of Shell and Gingin Street intersection
  • Beach Reserve south of Carl Street beach track
  • Bootoo Street - between North Street and Sidney Street

Beaches around Lancelin

Note: Dogs must be on leads at all times unless in a designated Dog Exercise Area. Even on a lead, dogs are not allowed in Dog Prohibited Areas.

Ledge Point Dog Exercise & Prohibited Areas

Dog Prohibited & Exercise areas

Note: Dogs must be on leads at all times unless in a designated Dog Exercise Area. Even on a lead, dogs are not allowed in Dog Prohibited Areas.

Seabird Dog Exercise Areas

Dog Off-lead Exercise areas

Note: Dogs must be on leads at all times unless in a designated Dog Exercise Area. Even on a lead, dogs are not allowed in Dog Prohibited Areas.


For more information please contact Ranger Services on (08) 9575 5140.