Vandalism of Shire Tractor - Woodridge

Published on Friday, 5 November 2021 at 3:50:00 PM

The Shire and local police are seeking information in regards to a vandalism incident which happened in Woodridge last weekend.

A Shire tractor which was undertaking the slashing of verges to reduce the fire risk within the community was vandalised during this incident which caused it to be inoperable. This required specialist service staff to travel from Perth to rectify the damage caused and 4 days of slashing works were lost.

Vandalism of Shire machinery, equipment or assets costs every ratepayer and holds officers up from undertaking important works and community members from being able to utilise public buildings for community purposes. In this case staff have been held up from completing valuable works to reduce the fire risk for one of our communities.

If any community members saw any activity which might be deemed as suspicious around where this vehicle was parked in Woodridge from late Saturday through to Monday morning then please contact the Shire (9575 5100) or local Police (Gingin - 9575 5600 / Lancelin - 9650 1100).

Likewise, if anyone in the community ever sees any suspicious activity around other Shire machinery/equipment or assets (i.e. public buildings) then please notify the police or Council officers as soon as possible.

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