Corporate Business Plan
The Shire of Gingin’s 4-year Corporate Business Plan 2022-2026 (CBP) is a requirement of all local governments in WA under the Local Government Act 1995. It forms part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IPR) which aims to improve the ability of all local governments to plan for the future needs of their communities and to deliver sustainable services as effectively and efficiently as possible.
The IPR also includes a suite of three other documents with the Strategic Community Plan (10 years - available for viewing here) sitting above the CBP and with the Annual Budget (1 year - available for viewing here) and Annual Report (1 year progress report - available for viewing here) sitting beneath the CBP. the Annual Budget and the Annual Report .

The CBP ensures that as an organisation the Shire is able to prioritise the use of its resources and focus on delivering the services that our community, as part of the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan, has told us it wants.
As part of the IPR, the CBP is supported by a series of other plans which include the Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Plan and Workforce Plan, to make it one of our key direction setting documents. To view our CBP please see link below:
Corporate Business Plan 2022-2026