Coronavirus - A Message from the Shire President

Published on Tuesday, 17 March 2020 at 12:07:25 PM

The Shire of Gingin is currently in the process of establishing prevention measures in response to combating the spread of COVID-19 (the Coronavirus).
These processes are being put in place following the declaration by the State Government of a State of Emergency for WA on Sunday, 15 March 2020.
Shire President, Cr Wayne Fewster, said “We’re in for some interesting times ahead. Council and staff would like to remind the community that above all else, please think of your fellow human beings in the months ahead. We’re all in this together and this situation is going to be very frustrating for the bulk of the community and is virtually unprecedented in WA. It’s too early to say how this is going to affect everyone in our community but we know that there is sure to be some serious financial pain for some and probably many other unforeseen issues.
We ask that if you’re planning to do anything, please think sensibly about it. There is no reason to panic. This whole process of declaring a State of Emergency is about looking after everyone in our community, especially our most vulnerable residents. It’s a sad state of affairs that we have to cancel our public gatherings like the Gingin Triathlon and our ANZAC Services but unfortunately a necessary one.
Please also continue to take your time at the supermarkets and just shop as you normally would. There is no need to ‘stock up’ and doing so is only causing issues for your fellow community members who have run out of their usual staple products like rice, pasta, sugar, flour and toilet paper. In addition, it also makes it difficult for our elderly community members. Please continue to think of others and just remember that these measures aren’t about creating panic. They’re about protecting our health resources by ensuring that the least number of people possible are sick at any given time.”
The Shire will continue to provide regular updates via our Facebook page and other media channels. Our website will have a page established shortly on it specifically for information relating to COVID-19 which will include the latest updates on Shire business practices and links to websites for the government and health authorities distributing the latest information.
The Gingin Medical Centre has released a series of Prevention Tips and also general information about dealing with them during this time. This information will also be included on the Shire’s website as the Medical Centre is a Shire operated facility.
Further information is available by visiting the WA Department of Health’s website - or from the Coronavirus Health Information Line (1800 020 080).

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