- New Gingin Emergency Services Centre to boost emergency response in fast-growing region
- New headquarters of Gingin South BFB and Gingin VFRS
- Designed to operate as purpose-built Level 3 Incident Control Centre
A new $2.8 million dual-purpose facility to manage major incidents and provide a new home for volunteer firefighters in the Shire of Gingin has been opened ahead of the upcoming bushfire season.
Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson, Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner Darren Klemm AFSM and Shire of Gingin President Wayne Fewster officially opened the Gingin Emergency Services Centre today.
Funded by the Emergency Services Levy, the state-of-the-art facility was designed to accommodate two emergency services groups - Gingin South Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade (BFB) and Gingin Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service.
Strategically located adjacent to key roads and other emergency services facilities, the new headquarters is a significant upgrade for the volunteers, who were previously operating out of a co-located facility built nearly 50 years ago.
Gingin ESC is also the State's newest Incident Control Centre, with a communications room and space for up to 72 personnel when bushfires or floods threaten nearby communities.
The complex - which features large training rooms and multiple office spaces - was designed to allow future expansion so it continues to meet the needs of a growing population.
The Shire of Gingin donated the plot of land and WA builders Midwest Building were awarded the project, using local contractors to complete construction by August.
Minister Dawson and Commissioner Klemm also handed over the keys to four new light tankers - each worth approximately $240,0000 - to boost the firefighting arsenal of local firefighters.
Comments attributed to Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson:
"Supporting our volunteer firefighters - who put their lives on the line every summer to protect Western Australians - means ensuring they have the best facilities we can provide.
"It is fitting that Gingin South BFB get to move into the new headquarters in the same year that the group is celebrating 50 years of service.
"This much-needed project was the result of a very successful partnership between the McGowan Government, The Department of Fire and Emergency Services and the Shire of Gingin. I also want to acknowledge the tremendous support from local community and volunteer groups involved in lengthy consultation and together we've achieved an outstanding result.
"Gingin ESC will enhance our ability to plan, prepare for and respond to emergencies in a growing region that is prone to major bushfires."
Comments attributed to Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner Darren Klemm AFSM:
"The 2021 Red Gully bushfire would still be fresh in the minds of many Gingin locals who had to evacuate their homes when an out-of-control blaze burnt through nearly 10,000 hectares.
"This new facility was purpose-built to ensure that the Incident Control Centre and the Bush Fire Brigade and Fire and Rescue Service volunteers based there can spring into action when bushfires of this nature or other emergencies threaten lives in the region.
"The design of the building is incredibly flexible, meaning we can upscale and downscale its capabilities depending on the situation.
"First-class, modern facilities will help our invaluable volunteers reach their full potential and encourage new members to join the emergency services family."
Minister's office - 6552 5800