Community Update - Lancelin Sporting Complex Water Tank Issues

Published on Tuesday, 27 June 2023 at 3:01:28 PM

Further to the recent water issues at the Lancelin Sports Complex, the Shire would like to provide the community an overview of the circumstances that led to the disruption and actions taken to rectify the matter to date.

  • On 1 June the Shire was advised that the Sports Complex’s primary tank float valve had malfunctioned. Upon investigation it was determined that the primary tank – which holds the potable water for the Sports Complex and Football Club – had an algal issue.

  • This was caused by the tank being exposed to the elements and, as a consequence, contaminants entered the primary water tank.

  • The Shire’s Environmental Health team undertook extensive water sampling, and a temporary potable water tank was relocated to the Sports Complex and filled from a water carting contractor.

  • Test results confirmed contaminants in the water with microscopic green and brown algae with no algal toxins.

  • This resulted in Shire staff and a local plumber pressure-flushing all water lines into the buildings, then sterilising the lines with chlorine and re-flushing after replacing all fixtures and fittings. 

  • The Shire has since purchased another larger tank to complement the relocated tank and it is expected to be delivered in the coming weeks.

The abovementioned actions took two weeks to complete at considerable expense to the Shire and an insurance claim will be prepared. 

Long-term solutions to the water supply issues are being investigated, while operations at the Sports Complex have been able to continue with the delivery of potable water in the interim.

Any queries regarding this matter can be directed to the Shire’s Environmental Health team on 9575 5100 or


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