Published on Wednesday, 5 June 2024 at 12:05:35 PM
The Shire of Gingin has received a development approval application for an extension to the existing poultry farm on Lot 908 (2524) Gingin Brook Road, Neergabby.
With respect to the abovementioned development application, the following summary is provided:
- Proposed construction of one additional growing shed measuring 104m x 17.4m, covering an area of 1813m2.
- The additional shed will accommodate an additional 62,000 birds per batch, or 155,000 per annum, representing a 13.8% increase to capacity, to what is already approved and operating.
Submissions should be lodged by 4.00pm on Friday 28 June 2024.
Submissions in relation to this proposal should be made in writing and directed to the Chief Executive Officer either by post to the Shire of Gingin, PO Box 510, Gingin WA 6503 or by email to
Plans and documents setting out and explaining the proposal can be viewed at the link below:
Development Application - Extension to Animal Husbandry - Intensive
To view the proposal in hardcopy, please attend the Shire of Gingin Administration Centre, located at 7 Brockman Street, Gingin or the Lancelin Office, 255 Vins Way, Lancelin during office hours.
Aaron Cook
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