Could you do with another set of hands? Do you need someone to do that one job you can’t?
Are you independent, mostly healthy, and able to manage the jobs involved with your house and garden but occasionally a job is too big or too much for you now?
so, you have the option of utilising the Gingin Mable workforce on a cash basis. Mable workers are not solely for Home Care package clients (although they tend to prioritise them) and most have additional time, so they are able to provide assistance and earn additional income.
How do you access this service? Through the Mable App on a smartphone.
Gingin District Community Resource Centre staff can assist you to set up an account as a privately paying Mable user. You then deal directly with a worker and come to an agreement on the job and pricing. The great thing about using a Mable support worker is they are vetted and insured.
Also when you are ready to be assessed for a Home Care package you can still be using the Mables you like and they will be paid through your package.
Alternatively, feel free to call Sylvia Kelly, Gingin Care Group, on 0438 575 254 to see if she has a volunteer able to assist you.
Great news to know help is available and we can all stay in Gingin for longer as we age.
You can find more information on the Mabel App from their website, see link
HERE.And please share with anyone you know who would be interested.