Moore River Bacteria Update as at Thursday 28 March

Published on Thursday, 28 March 2024 at 11:10:00 AM

With Easter and school holidays commencing tomorrow, we advise holiday makers and visitors to Moore River to continue to exercise caution when swimming in the river.

While testing earlier this week at Health Dept designated testing sites along Moore River (including Caraban rope swing area) confirmed amoeba bacteria readings are at a safe level currently, please be aware that changing weather and river conditions may affect these levels at any time.

Therefore, we continue to urge anyone undertaking any water activities in Moore River to err on the side of caution, to keep your head above water and avoid river water entering the nose.

For any health-related enquiries, please contact your GP or HealthDirect.
If you have any media-related queries please contact the Department of Health on 9222 4333 or

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