Tuesday 20 February 2024, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Speakers: Henry Dykstra and Tony Ruse
Time: 2.00 pm
Deputation relates to Agenda Item 14.2 Proposed Amendment (No.25) to Local Planning Scheme No.9 - Rezone Lot 5905 (No. 1546) Cowalla Road, Wanerie from General Rural (Uncoded) to General Rural (Coded 10)
Speakers: Neil Teo, Chris Bitmead, John Young and Nic Preston
Time: 2.15 pm
Deputation relates to Agenda Item 14.1 Application for Development Approval – Proposed Retail Centre on Lot 9500 (Formerly 601) Brockman Street, Gingin
Speaker: Nick Perrignon
Time: 2.30 pm
Deputation relates to Agenda Item 14.1 Application for Development Approval – Proposed Retail Centre on Lot 9500 (Formerly 601) Brockman Street, Gingin
Speaker: Sylvia Kelly
Time: 2.45 pm
Deputation relates to Aged Housing.
Audio Recording
Tuesday 17 September 2024, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Deputations Prior to Meeting
Speakers: Leonard Sherman; Tanya Louise Sherman
Time: 2.30pm
Deputation related to Agenda Item 14.2 Application for Development Approval – Proposed Poultry Farm on Lot 5707 Indian Ocean Drive, Ledge Point
Speakers: Henry Dykstra; Tony Ruse
Time: 2.45pm
Deputation related to Agenda Item 14.1 Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 25 to Local Planning Scheme No. 9 - Rezone Lot 5905 Cowalla Road, Wanerie
Audio Recording